Details of the county revenue sharing formula


 1. Basic Equal Share factor, B:

  • All counties have certain basic fixed overheads that must be met regardless of any other paramete

 2. Population, P:

  • Services are delivered to people. The greater the number of people, the higher the cost of service delivery.

 , where ni is the population of the ith county and N is the national population

3. Accessibility, A:

  • The more scattered the people are, the greater the cost of service delivery.

  • Accessibility is directly related to the mean distance between points inside the county

  • This mean distance is proportional to the square root of the area of the county

, where, ai is the area of the ith county

4. Economic growth rate, E:

  •  When services are delivered effectively and efficiently, the society thrives and becomes more productive.

  • Productivity can be assessed in terms of Gross County Product (GCP)

  • For historical reasons, some counties have far greater GCP than others.

  • However, the rate of growth in GCP provides a good measure of the effort that the county government has put in uplifting the livelihoods of the people.

  • Therefore, the GCP growth rate is a good measure for rewarding those administrations that are putting greater effort.

  • NB: this is a good overall indicator of the effort counties are making in poverty alleviation, prudent effective and efficient utilisation of resources, etc.

, where ri is the GCP growth rate of the ith county

5. Individual county allocation:

The amount of money, mi allocated to the ith county will be: mi = 0.25M(B + Pi + Ai + Ei)
where M is the total sum of money available for distribution to the counties
  1. Revenue allocation per county based on above formula
  2. Revenue allocation per county from lowest to highest
  3. Comparison of allocations by above formula to CRA proposal
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