1.5 million people at Nyayo Stadium? Absolutely no way!


The Sunday Nation


26 June 2022


We are now officially in the silly season of politics and so, we should expect to see and hear many silly things; like this… One of the political parties held a formal meeting (not a rally) at Nyayo stadium in Nairobi recently. An online supporters group posted a video of the event and claimed that there were 1.5 million participants!

Now, a million is a very large number. So large that many people cannot comprehend its magnitude. I suspect they have become accustomed to the word million because of the frequency with which it is mentioned; especially in reference to money. Hence such mistaken exaggerations tend to happen quite often.

I have written about this matter of crowds in the past and demonstrated that it is impossible to gather one million people for a meeting anywhere in Nairobi. In fact, there has never been a gathering of one million people anywhere in the world. Even the famous “One million Man March” did not reach that number. Independent sources estimated it to be about 800 thousand.

The largest crowd in Kenya was the Kibaki inauguration ceremony of 2002. I attended the event and my estimate was about 64,000. I gave detailed calculations in this column in 2007.

A closer look at the video of the recent political meeting at Nyayo stadium, reveals that the participants were all seated on plastic armchairs. These measure about 50cm wide [side to side] and 60cm long [back to front]. When arranged in a meeting room, each is given some leg-room space, say 40cm, making the total length occupied about one metre.

Therefore, each seat occupies about half a square metre. Thus, 1.5million seats would require 750,000sq.m of ground area. This is equivalent to about 185 acres of land! The entire land reserved for Nyayo stadium is about 25 acres. So, obviously, 1.5 million seats cannot fit there!

The absolute maximum number that can be fitted is 200,000. Now, this is not encouragement for another political party to hold a meeting at this venue and claim 200,000 participants attended! The real practical limit of a crowd at Nyayo stadium is around 50,000.

Some might argue that the 1.5 million number included those that followed the event via live stream on the internet. However, I checked the internet and, to this day there are about 9,000 views of the video. This is a respectable number but still a far-cry from 1.5 million.

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