Aphelion is not to blame for the cold weather


The Sunday Nation


05 June 2022


The following message is circulating in the Internet Social Media, especially WhatsApp: “From today till August 22 this year, it will be colder than previous years. They call it Aphelion phenomenon. Starting today at 05.27 we will experience the APHELION PHENOMENON, where the Earth will be very far from the Sun. We cannot see the phenomenon, but we can feel its impact. This will last until August 2022. We will experience cold weather more than the previous cold weather… The distance from Earth to the Sun is 5 light minutes or 90,000,000 km. The phenomenon of aphelion to 152,000,000 km. 66% further.”

When this message reached me, my first reaction was: How come this is also the hottest period in Northern regions of the Earth? It is summer in Europe, Northern Asia and North America.

That message contains a few truths, a lot of half-truths and misrepresentations. It is true that there is something called aphelion (not aphelion phenomenon). This is the farthest point that the Earth reaches from the sun.

Like all other orbiting objects, the Earth does not travel around the sun in a circular orbit. The path is an ellipse with the sun at one of the two focal points. Thus, the Earth-Sun distance is not constant. The closest point to the sun is called perihelion and the farthest one aphelion.

The Earth reaches perihelion in early January when it is about 147 million kilometres from the sun and aphelion in early July when it is about 152 million km. The variation in distance is just 3.5 per cent (not the 66pc claimed in the WhatsApp message). The author of the message mixed up the perihelion distance in miles (90 million) and the aphelion one in kilometres (152 million).

The actual dates of perihelion and aphelion vary from one year to the next and, in 2022, the Earth will reach it closest point to the sun at 10:00am (Nairobi Time) on 4th July. Next year it will be on the 6th; and then the 5th in 2024; and so on.

Perihelion and aphelion are not parking spots where the Earth goes to rest for several weeks as implied in the WhatsApp message! The planet is in continuous motion so it just crosses these points without stopping. How long does a moving object take to cross a point on its path? That’s how long aphelion will last on 4th July.

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