If You Can’t Hear
Anything, It Doesn’t Mean There is Not Sound
The Sunday Nation
06 March 2005
George Wandera has two questions: First he has
observed that when aeroplanes are flying within audible range, they
leave their noise behind. He wants to know, “does this mean that all
aircrafts travel faster than sound?”
The answer is no. Only one commercial aeroplane
travels faster than sound – the Concord – and it was grounded last year.
But why is the noise of a plane left behind? This has to do with
difference between the speed of sound and that of light.
Suppose an aeroplane is flying past at 500 metres
away. To see the plane, light must travel from it to your eye. At
300,000km per hour, the light takes about two millionths of a second to
reach you. This duration is negligibly small.
Sound, on the other hand, is much slower than light –
about 330 metres per second in air (1,200 km/h). So, the noise from the
aeroplane takes about one and a half seconds to reach to you. If the
plane is moving at, say, 300km/h, it will have covered 125 metres in the
duration that its noise takes to reach your ears.
So, the noise the aeroplane makes when it is at some
position x in the sky reaches your ears when the plane is at point y.
The distance between x and y is 125m Thus it appears as if the plane is
moving faster than sound.
But what if the plane was actually faster than sound;
what would we hear? That is a story for another day, for now Wandera’s
second question is also about the noise made by aeroplanes. He learnt in
school that sound is a form of energy and that energy cannot be
destroyed. But when a plane is very high in the sky, its noise is not
heard from the ground. What happens to the sound?
When sound is produced by a source, it radiates in
all directions. So the further it gets from the origin, the more space
there is to occupy. Thus the intensity (amount of energy per square
metre) reduces as the sound moves further and further away – it is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance. In other wards,
if, say the distance is doubled (factor of two), the intensity drops to
a quarter (1/4) since two squared is equal to four.
When the plane is a few kilometres away, the sound
energy is dispersed over a very wide area, therefore, intensity is too
low to be detected by the human ear. The fact that we can’t hear it does
not mean that the noise isn’t there…which brings to mind the story of
Schroedinger’s cat:
The cat is placed inside an airtight metal box.
Inside the box, there is a glass capsule containing some lethal,
poisonous gas. The box is shaken thus breaking the gas and releasing the
poison. The cat takes a breath of the gas and a question arises: What
kills the cat? Is it the poison or the act of opening the to confirm
that it is actually dead?